Monday, November 5, 2018


In this blog I will talk about Rita speech and my feelings in relation to her relating.
I agree with the relating of Rita because I think the children’s learning when the circles are pleasant, and to achieve a pleasant atmosphere, first we must establish links with them, that there is a connection between student-teacher, so that they feel confident and can approach if they have a personal or learning problem. As Rita mentions for a child, learning will be meaningful when he feels comfortable, happy and enjoys what he is learning, and the role of the educator is fundamental, they must always have in mind that children are not a repository of information, they should know that education goes beyond transmitting knowledge. It is necessary to understand that an evaluation can benefit a student or not, for example a student can go to take a test being sick, it is obvious that he will not give his 100% and he can go wrong, but that does not mean that he did not learn.
In addition Educators must ensure that the child has a high self-esteem, that they love themselves and what they do, that they know how to value learning and that they are aware that a grade will not define them as worse or better. Otherwise the children would grow up with fear of failure; they would not dare to perform certain actions out of fear.